Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

452 - Degree in Chemistry

27221 - Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27221 - Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
452 - Degree in Chemistry
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives.

-        Formative activity 1:  Lecture classes (3.1 ECTS)

-        Formative activity 2: problem‐solving sessions (1.5 ECTS)

-        Formative activity 3: laboratory sessions (1.4 ECTS)

Students are expected to participate actively in the class throughout the semester. In laboratory sessions, special attention will be paid to the understanding of the instrumental part and to the development of the skills and attitudes needed for the work in the laboratory.

Classroom materials will be available via Moodle. Further information regarding the course will be provided on the first day of class. 

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes 6 ECTS organized according to:

- Molecular symmetry (0.9 ECTS):  9 hours (6 h theory; 3 h problems).

- Photochemistry (0.5 ECTS): 5 hours (3 h theory; 2 h problems).

- Molecular spectroscopy (3.5 ECTS): 25 hours (17 h theory; 8 h problems) + 10 hours of laboratory (3 sessions).

- Polymers (1.1 ECTS): 7 hours (5 h theory; 2 h problems) + 4 hours of laboratory (1 session).

5.3. Syllabus

1. Molecular symmetry:

• Introduction to molecular symmetry and group theory.

• Symmetry operations and symmetry elements. Symmetry classification of molecules in point groups.

• Irreducible representations and symmetry species. Character tables. Direct products of irreducible representations. Selection rules in spectroscopy.

• Application of symmetry concepts to the study of normal modes of vibration and molecular orbitals.

2. Photochemistry:

• Introduction to photochemistry.

• Properties of molecules in excited electronic states. Overview of deactivation processes. Jablonski diagrams.

• Basic photochemical reactions.

3. Molecular spectroscopy:

• Basic principles in spectroscopy; interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter. Transition moment. Selection rules. Width of spectroscopic signals.

• Rotational spectroscopy. Energy levels of molecules considered as rigid rotors. Centrifugal distortion constants. Stark effect in rotational spectroscopy.

• Vibration in diatomic molecules; anharmonicity. Normal modes of vibration in polyatomic molecules. Characteristic group frequency in IR spectroscopy.

• Raman effect. Vibrational and rotational Raman spectra. Light polarization in Raman effect. Application of IR and Raman spectra to the structure determination of molecules.

• Electronic spectroscopy of diatomic molecules. Frank-Condon principle. Electronic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules. Characteristics and applications of transitions in UV-vis.

• Fluorescence spectroscopy: basic principles and applications.

• Fundamentals of photoelectron spectroscopy. Interpretation of UPS and XPS spectra.

• Resonance spin spectroscopy; Larmor precession. 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shift and coupling constant. Analysis of NMR spectra of nuclei other than 1H; nuclear cuadrupole relaxation.

• Fundamentals of electron spin resonance spectroscopy ESR. Analysis of hyperfine structure in some examples.

4. Polymers:

• Physicochemical properties and characterization of polymers.

• Kinetics and mechanisms of polymerization.

• Degradation and stability.

• Solubility of polymers.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the Faculty website (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


Banwell, C. N. : Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy / Colin N. Banwell, Elaine M. McCash . - 4rth ed. London [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1994


Barrow, Gordon M.. Introduction to molecular spectroscopy / Gordon M. Barrow. - International student ed., 16th print. Auckland [etc] : McGraw-Hill, 1986


Chang, Raymond. Principios básicos de espectroscopía / Raymond Chang ; traducción I.Katime Amashta . - [1a. ed. española] Madrid : AC, D.L. 1983


Cotton, Frank Albert. La teoría de grupos aplicada a la química / F. Albert Cotton ; [versión española, Francisco de Asis Gonzales Vilchez ; revisión, Jaime Keller Torres] . - 2a. ed., [1a. reimp.] México, D.F. : Limusa, 1983


Drago, Russell S.. Physical methods for chemists. 2nd. Saunders College Pub. 1992


Levine, Ira N.. Espectroscopía molecular / Ira N. Levine ; [traducción, A. Fuster Ortigosa, A. Requena Rodríguez] . - [1a. ed. española] Madrid : Editorial AC, cop.1980


Polímeros / Javier Areizaga...[et. al.] Madrid : Síntesis , D.L. 2002


Walton, Paul H.. Beginning group theory for chemistry / Paul H. Walton Oxford [etc] : Oxford University Press, 1998


Wayne, Carol E.. Photochemistry / Carol E. Wayne and Richard P. Wayne . - Repr. with corr. Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press, 2002


Katime Amashta, Issa A.. Química física macromolecular / Issa A. Katime Bilbao : Universidad del Pais Vasco, Servicio Editorial, 1994


Requena Rodríguez, Alberto. Espectroscopía / Alberto Requena Rodríguez, José Zúñiga Román Madrid [etc.] : Pearson/Prentice Hall, cop. 2004


Turro, Nicholas John. Modern molecular photochemistry / Nicholas J. Turro Mill Valley, California : University science books, 1991


Willock, David J.. Molecular symmetry / David J. Willock Chichester : Wiley, 2009